We spend a lot in planning our activities in DC migration projects. We make sure we have all the pre-requisites covered so that we don’t run into silly issues when we are finally doing that bit of converting a physical machine or moving a virtual machine from it’s source to destination.
After all the extensive planning we do run into small technical problems here and there while doing the conversion. It is of course better to run a test migration to make sure these don’t show up when there is production workload being migrated. I ran into one of such issues and thought it would be helpful to others if they run into such issue.
While preparing for a migration, we make sure the ports are opened in required directions on the firewall, bandwidth is tested and proven feasible to carry out the migration etc. So the destination is all ready to receive the converted VM and fire it up after the migration is done. But as soon as you key in the destination details you get the below error.
The access to the host resource settings is restricted to the server IP address that is managing the hosts. Use the management server as a destination
Starting from vSphere 5.x, if an ESXi host is being managed by vCenter, you will not be able to migrate a VM directly onto it by entering the host details. This is not just for migration but anything that you do on the API related calls. Who would think they will run into such an issue right? VMware actually has a KB Article related to this.
The workaround is to either select the vCenter and then select the particular host. And if you do not have the vCenter access like i didn’t, you will have to remove the ESXi out of the vCenter to be able to migrate the VM’s onto it (talking purely about V2V).
U can enter the destination details like vcenter ip and credentials then u choose the Esxi host then it will work