In my previous two posts we saw how to deploy the identity and vCAC 6.0 Appliance.
Part 1 – Deploy and configure the Identity Appliance.
Part 2 – Deploy and configure the vCloud Automation Center Appliance.
In this blog post we will be seeing the steps involved in installing the IaaS components.
Before we start let’s see the IaaS(Windows Server) requirements.
The IaaS components are installed on a physical or virtual Windows 2008 R2 SP1 or 2012 servers. In this blog we will be installing it on a Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Server.
The following components must be installed on the host before installing IaaS:
■ Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
■ Microsoft PowerShell 2.0 (included with Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and later) or Microsoft PowerShell 3.0 on Windows Server 2012.
■ Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.5 (see Required Configuration for Microsoft Internet Information Services).
Database Requirements
■ Microsoft SQL Server
■ The database can reside on the IaaS (Windows) server host or on a remote host.
For automation of IIS installation there is an awesome Script provided by Brian Graf. Which Can be found on VMware vCloud Automation Center (vCAC) 6 installation pre-req automation script.
Or you can also download it from here:
Now build a new Windows server with minimum resources of 2vCPU, 8GB RAM, 30GB of Disk storage.
Add it to the domain and have a resolvable host name configured for it. Also, ensure time synchronization between this server and all other components.
Installing IaaS Components:
Now point your browser to
Download the .Net file and install it on the server. Download the setup file too.
After .net installation is done. Run the automation script to install IIS sever.
Ser the execution policy on Powershell to Unrestricted before running the Automation script.
Now run the script
Once the installation is complete. Restart the server.
Now run the Setup file that you downloaded from the installer URL. The file will be of format
Do not change the file name.
Right-click the setup file that you downloaded ( and select Run as administrator.
On the Welcome page, click Next.
On the End-User License Agreement page, read the License Agreement and verify that I accept the terms in the License Agreement is selected.
Click Next.
On the Log in page, type the administrator credentials for the vCloud Automation Center Appliance and click Next.
The User name is root and the Password is the password you specified when you deployed the vCloud Automation Center Appliance.
On the Installation Type page, select Complete Install and click Next.
The Prerequisite Checker verifies that your machine meets IaaS installation requirements.
a. If warnings appear in the Prerequisite Checker, for each item that requires attention, select the entry in the left panel and follow the instructions that appear on the right.
b. When all issues are addressed, click Check Again and verify that all items have green check marks next to them.
c. You can click Check Again at any time to check the status of the prerequisites. If non-critical errors still occur, click Bypass to continue the installation. Bypassing critical errors causes the installation to fail.
d. Click Next.
The Server and account settings page needs a few different inputs
a. Enter a User name and Password of a user with SQL administrative privileges or a local administrator
b. Type a phrase in Passphrase. The passphrase is a series of words that generates the encryption key used to secure database data
c. No need to create a database on your server. this step will create it for you.
On the Distributed Execution Managers And Proxy vSphere Agent page, accept the defaults.
Accept the default Server value, which is populated with the fully qualified domain name of the vCloud Automation Center Appliance server from which you downloaded the installer.
a. Click Load to populate the value of SSO Default Tenant (vsphere.local).
b. Click Download to retrieve the certificate from the vCloud Automation Center Appliance. You can click View Certificate to view the certificate details.
c. Select Accept Certificate to install the SSO certificate.
d. In the SSO Administrator panel, type administrator@vsphere.local in User name and the password you defined for this user when you configured SSO in Password and Confirm password.
e. Accept the default in IaaS Server, which contains the host name of the Windows machine where you are installing.
On the Ready to Install page, review the information and click Install.
The installation begins. Depending on your network configuration, installation can take between five minutes and one hour.
The installation is now complete.