Why vCenter Server Appliance(vCSA) 6.0 is Uber Awesome

vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA) has always gotten stronger and more awesome with every release of vSphere. This improvement eliminates the need to deploy/install a windows based vCenter Server unless there is a specific need to do so. Now with the announcement of vSphere 6.0, vCSA has become Uber Awesome. So what makes it so awesome? Starting…

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vSphere 5.5 : Upgrade vCSA from 5.1 to 5.5

In my last two posts i wrote about upgrading ESXi and vCD from 5.1 to 5.5. In this post we will look at vCSA upgrade. Download the vCSA from VMware download page : https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/downloads Deploy the Virtual Center Server Appliance 5.5 OVF/OVA on your supported ESXi like you did with your vCSA 5.1. After deploying the…

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