When i deployed the new vCAC application services ( formerly known as vCloud Application director) i realized that there are no default applications (like clustered DotShoppongCart, jPetStore etc) that used to be there in the previous versions.
After a little digging and remembering that there was an option which let you import and export application blueprints in the previous versions, i stumbled upon the import option in the darwin-cli. That let to this blog post where i thought i will share the steps involved in importing application blueprints into vCAC application services.
All the blueprints that are developed by partners and third-party companies are all available on Solution-exchange. All the blueprints are made available in xml format which can be used/imported in the vCAC application services. We will take a example blueprint and see the steps involved in importing the blueprint xml.
At first we will have to download the xml file and store it on a system from where we can take a session to the application services appliance and run the darwin cli remotely.
Now download the darwin-cli and run it locally on the same machine. This blog post will be of help while downloading the darwin-cli. login into the app services appliance.Once in, we need to import the app blueprint into the app services appliance.
Make sure you copy the blueprint to the folder where you are running the cli from or specify the correct path of the file while importing. The command that needs to be used is
import-package –importFilePath –targetGroup –shared –conflictResolutionAction < SKIP if not required>
–importFilePath is the path for the blueprint XML.
–targetGrooup is for specifying the business group.
–shared option for sharing the blueprint globally.
–conflictResolutionAction used if there is already existing blueprint with similar name/config. SKIP if not required.
In our case it will be Once this is run, the application should show up in the app services UI.
This completes the import part of the job. Later mapping the details and publishing begins.
Happy importing :)
When i am trying to import the blurprint from the darwin-cli.jar, I am getting a message mentioned below.
spring> import-package -importFilePath Clustered_Oracle_Weblogic_Server12c_Windo
ws2k8R2.xml -targetGroup NBAD-Cloud-Server -shared -conflictResoultionAction SKIP
Command ‘import-package -importFilePath Clustered_Oracle_Weblogic_Server12c_Wind
ows2k8R2.xml -targetGroup NBAD-Cloud-Server -shared -conflictResoultionAction SKIP’ was found but is not currently available (type ‘help’ then ENTER to learn ab
out this command)
Can you please help me to resolve this issue?
You will have to first login into app services before you try this command.