In my previous post we saw
Part 1 – Deploy and configure the Identity Appliance.
In This post we will see how to
Deploy the vCloud Automation Center Appliance.
■ Verify that the vCloud Automation Center Appliance was downloaded from the VMware website.
■ Log in to the vSphere client as a user with system administrator privileges.
In the vSphere client, select File > Deploy OVF Template.
Browse to the vCloud Automation Center Appliance file you downloaded earlier and click Open.
Click Next.
Click Next on the OVF Template Details page.
Accept the license agreement and click Next.
Type a unique virtual appliance name according to the IT naming convention of your organization in the Name text box, select the datacenter and location to which you want to deploy the virtual appliance, and click Next.
Follow the prompts until the Disk Format page appears.
Verify that there is enough space to deploy the virtual appliance on the Disk Format page and click Next.
Choose a portgroup to deploy the machine on
Follow the prompts to the Properties page. The options displayed depend on your vSphere configuration.
Configure the values on the Properties page.
Type the root password to use when you log in to the virtual appliance console in the Enter password and Confirm password text boxes.
Type the fully qualified domain name of the virtual machine in the Hostname text box, even if you are using DHCP.
Configure the networking properties.
Click Next.
If the Power on after deployment option is selectable on the Ready to Complete page, select it and click Finish.
Restart the machine.
Verify that the fully qualified domain name can be resolved against the IP address of the Identity Appliance by opening a command prompt and pinging the FQDN.
Navigate to the Identity Appliance management console by using its fully qualified domain name ( Here in my case its The username will be root and the password that we’ve set during the deployment.
Navigate to Admin > Time Settings.And change the settings to use Time Server. And enter the NTP server IP and Apply settings.
Verify that the value in Current Time is correct.
Configure the vCloud Automation Center Appliance
Navigate to vCAC Settings > Host Settings and click Resolve Host Name. To change the name manually, type the fully qualified host name ( of the vCloud Automation Center Appliance or load balancer if you are using one.
Click Save Settings.
Click on SSL. If you want to import a certificate, choose PEM. I will be creating a self-signed certificate. Choose the Generate Self-Signed Certificate dropdown. Have the host name as put in previous step. *sorry about the wrong caps.
a. Type a common name for the certificate in the Common Name text box. You can use the fully qualified domain name of the virtual appliance.
b. Type in a company name or organization name
c. Type in your organizational unit
d. Type in your country code
e. Click on Replace Certificate.
Configure the SSO settings that the vCloud Automation Center Appliance uses to interact with the Identity Appliance. These settings must match the settings you entered when configuring the Identity Appliance.
Click on SSO
a. Type the FQDN of the Identity Appliance ( in the SSO Host and Port text box without the https:// prefix.
b. Type the default administrator name administrator@vsphere.local in SSO Admin User
c. Type the SSO administrator password in the SSO Admin Password text box.
d. Click Save Settings
If you plan to deploy your vCloud Automation Center PostgreSQL database on an external host, specify the database information.
a. Click Database.
b. Specify the Host, Port, Database name (default is vcac), and the database authentication information for the PostgreSQL database.
c. Click Save Settings.
Configure the License to enable the Infrastructure tab on the vCloud Automation Center console.
a.Click Licensing.
b.Enter a valid vCloud Automation Center license key (one that you downloaded when you downloaded the installation files) and click Submit Key
Confirm that you can log into vCloud Automation Center console.
a. Open a browser and navigate to
b. Accept the vCloud Automation Center certificate.
c. Accept the SSO certificate.
d. Log in with administrator@vsphere.local and the password you specified when configuring SSO.
The console opens to the Tenants page on the Administration tab. A single tenant named vsphere.local appears in the list.
We have completed the deployment and configuration of your vCloud Automation Center Appliance.
Now we can move on to